Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The Need for Disaster Planning and Data Recovery

All businesses are susceptible to the effects of a physical disaster. Physical disasters may be natural (fire, floods, tornadoes, earthquakes, etc.) or man-made (vandalism, theft, terrorism, etc.). Until such disasters strike your firm, you may have a false sense of security that your business is immune from them. The key is to be aware that you are, indeed, vulnerable, and any of these disasters can strike you at any time, so you must be prepared.

One of the most crippling results of a physical disaster for a company is data loss. When a company-wide data loss occurs, you may not be able to retrieve precious data because your data storage facilities may have become inoperable. However tragic that may sound, it may actually be the least of your worries; federal and state laws could also hold you liable for failing to protect critical records and files. These problems may result in additional liability, litigation, and loss of clients. Measures for data recovery are, therefore, important and need to be implemented.

Disaster planning and data recovery are often viewed as necessary evils. After all, these services are for something that may never occur. Nevertheless, preparing for a disaster and working with a reliable cloud service provider for your data recovery needs is a way to ensure that your company will continue to operate efficiently after such an event, not to mention keep you from breaking the law.

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