Saturday, December 20, 2014

Common Website Speed Issues and Solutions

Slow and steady may win you the race, but that philosophy will get you nowhere online. It only leads to frustration and less traffic on your website. If your website has been loading a little too slowly lately, here are a few common problems that may be causing the lack of speed:

Shared Servers

More often than not, a large number of websites share one server. When millions of people try to access the different websites on the server, a request logjam is created, stifling the loading speed of all sites on the server. If you require your website to be fast every hour of every day, you may want to switch to a data center that can provide you with a dedicated server.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Cloud Services: Basics for Newbie Users

If your business deals with a large amount of data on a daily basis—such as customer information—you probably discouraged employees to save on their local drives years ago. Most of today’s local drives only have a capacity of 4 TB, which is often not enough. In addition, saving a large amount of data locally can cause some computers to slow down since free hard drive space helps programs to operate efficiently.

Perhaps you have opted for a server which has a maximum capacity of over 200 TB. You’ve positioned this server in the far end of the office, where a dedicated IT professional monitors it as needed. The problem with a local server, however, is that when it fails due to a sudden power outage, you are likely to lose your data.

Web Hosting 101: Getting Cloud Service Providers vs. Dedicated Servers

When launching your company’s e-commerce website, app, or any other software, you must first find a suitable web hosting service. Your web server should be able to accommodate the specifications and data within your website or app as well as the traffic that will be accessing it. There are many ways in which this can be done, but getting cloud service providers and relying on dedicated servers are two of the most common, dependable web hosting systems.